Monday, February 8, 2010

The Writing Was on the Wall - Or Should I Say the Photos

One thing I really like about Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament, is the vast amount of information that has been brought forward.

I thought I had a pretty good idea of just who Stephen Harper is, but I must admit, that he is far worse than even I could have imagined.

One story posted a couple of weeks ago, came from Elizabeth May's blog, where she is revealing a disturbing practice of the prime minister to replace all historic portraits with snapshots of himself.

And while Harper supporters may have thought that she was just making this up, another article that was shared yesterday, confirms that our prime minister may be insane. And I mean that in a good way, because at least he may now be able to get professional help.

Harper gallery leaves MPs speechless

Citizens who really want a national portrait gallery in Ottawa can rest easy. The government already has one. All you need to get in is a Commons security pass, a Conservative party membership and a keen desire to view exclusive pictures of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, exclusively ....

So how can we get rid of the "Big Brother" before he destroys the entire Canadian family? There are several things:

1. Check out the sidebar under What am I doing for my democracy today, and you'll find a few tips.

2. Join Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament if you haven't already. With 25,000 links to stories that will make your hair stand up on end, you'll become motivated, I promise.

3. Make a solemn promise to Steve that you will vote and encourage others to do so.

4. Join Can this onion ring get more fans than Stephen Harper. It's kind of a fun tongue in cheek Facebook group, that has drawn in a lot of young people, who didn't realize that politics could be so much fun.

5. Join Canadians Rallying to Unseat Stephen Harper. Our mission statement is to push for an election sooner rather than later. We may take out a full page ad in a major newspaper, possibly the Globe and Mail, promoting WE WANT AN ELECTION NOW!!!

We will take this country back one vote at a time.

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