Thursday, December 17, 2009

Michael Ignatieff Makes Forbes Top 100 as International Star

Earlier this month Michael Ignatieff was named one of the world's top 100 thinkers by Foreign Policy Magazine, for showing that not all academics are irrelevant.

Now we learn that he has also made Forbes prestigious list of people to watch for in 2010.

The Watch List

Michael Ignatieff. After decades in Britain and the U.S., the professional intellectual returned to his native Canada and became head of the Liberal party. If a federal election is called in 2010, he could become the next prime minister, and the Canadian head of state with the biggest international profile since Pierre Trudeau.

Mr. Ignatieff is already well known on the international stage, as an award winning author, journalist and war correspondent; and for his involvement with the UN. Even President Obama has stated that he has read several of his books.

What a refreshing change it will be to have a prime minister who thinks and cares about the world around us; and our place in it.

Congratulations Mr. Ignatieff. You have done us proud.

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